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Sunday, July 31, 2011

"D"-lightful - Part 1

July 30, 2011
What a delightful day at the Disneyland resort. Instead of our usual couple of hours, we were there all day. We got there at 1:00 with Natalie (Cindy's niece) and Ryan (Natalie's boyfriend). Later, at 7:00, we also met up with Wade and Alexis (Walt & Cindy's son and his girlfriend). Walt and I left at about 10:30, while the youngsters stayed a little later.

Rachel entertaining the kids at Disney
Junior - Live on Stage!
We did so much today! Let me start, though, by giving a shout-out to Rachel, a Disney cast member. (Rachel, I hope you don't mind that I'm posting your picture.) We met Rachel outside of Disney Junior - Live on Stage! She was asking trivia questions and just being all-around nice. Thanks, Rachel!

Ryan, Natalie, and Walt are waiting for the
show to begin.
Disney Junior - Live on Stage! is just what the name implies. It's a live stage show with a few real people and lots of real muppet-type puppets. Apparently, I was too old for this show because I didn't know who any of the characters portrayed by the puppets were. The target audience seemed to be under 6 years old. Nevertheless, it was a well done show and the kids obviously loved it.

Inside the Aladdin Theater
Today we also went to see Disney's Aladdin - A Musical Spectacular. This live broadway style show is in a big beautiful theater at the end of the Hollywood Backlot street in California Adventure. The show started, and we settled in to watch. After the first few minutes, the grand background music and narration came to a dead stop. There were 3 performers on stage just about to start their scene. At first, I thought this was a dramatic pause. But after many long seconds, 2 of the actors left the stage, the third jumped into the mouth of the large cave on set. The curtains came down. An annnouncement said that due to technical difficulties, the show would be postponed. We waited for about 5 minutes, and the show resumed. After the first act, the curtain came down for what we thought would be a scene change. We waited for the curtain to go back up. We waited. The curtain did not go back up. Instead, that same announcer from earlier stated that due to technical difficulties, the show was now cancelled!  Boo hoo. This show only plays a few times a day, and we knew we wouldn't be able to go back again today. Disney's Aladdin has not yet been crossed off of our list. :(

My next post will continue with Davy Crockett, Disney Princesses, Donald's Boat, and more. Stay tuned!


  1. I don't mind at all you guys using my picture! :) I hope you guys had fun at Disney Junior. I told a bunch of people about your blog and I think that it's a really fun and creative way for pass holders to spend their time at Disney. You're seeing and doing a lot of stuff most people skip over (like Disney Junior if you're over the age of 10) I'm excited to read about your adventures around the parks :)

  2. Thanks Rachel! Hopefully we'll bump into you again on a future visit. :)
